Ministry = Blessing

I may not have blogged about this much, since the initial decision (read about it here and here), but since early in first semester I have been serving as a small group leader at Morning Star Community Church. Wednesday nights from 6:15-9:30ish was RIOT, the youth group, and Sundays from 11-12:45ish was Sonrise, the “Sunday school” version. I am so thankful for my year spent serving there. I grew a lot in leadership, and I learned a lot about myself. There were days when it was hard to go because I was tired or felt like I wasn’t serving a purpose, but God has blessed me so much by my time there. The girls I lead were such blessings in my life. I love them. I will miss them. I could tell so many stories about what God did through those girls and in those girls, but I don’t really have time!

Tonight, my last night, when we were ending our small group time, the other leader asked these girls to gather around me and pray for me. It was so precious. Most of the girls prayed for me, even the ones who don’t usually pray out loud. They shared their hearts through prayer, and it really really blessed me. I didn’t even realize I meant so much to them. I was so blessed to have them in my life!

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